Monday, March 23, 2020

Will We Ever Want to Shop Again?

The reason for this blog's beginnings in 2011 and my writing today is the same. Then I was confined to the house while recovering from bunion surgery. I challenged myself to publish something every day till I could fly the coop and rejoin the world.

Eight years later my reason is once again a challenge to keep occupied while waiting for that day when life will be normal. Date TBD, that life TBD.

There's a problem. 643 posts later what more can I possibly say about fashion? You've read my life story from playing with paper dolls to working for magazines. You've seen my dispatches on the business of fashion, quirky discoveries about styles and practices, musings on the latest trends.

What more is there to say, especially when the last thing I'm thinking about is what to wear?

Pajamas as street wear is one thing. Pajamas as all-day wear is something else. I don't want to start down that slippery slope. (short break while I get dressed)

Will we ever shop again? My first thought, as I stayed home and saw mine and other retail businesses close their literal doors for the duration, was "everyone will shop online". That could be a further blow to those doors reopening again.

Now, aside from needing something (t-shirts, socks, underwear, pajamas), what do I want to shop for?  Where am I going? What do I have to look forward to—that is, what can I count on happening on a certain date? I have, in other words, lost my appetite for Fashion as an important part of everyday life. It's kind of like losing a friend if not an actual body part.

At the moment we are in a coronavirusworld without end. I appreciate that not every writer is flailing about like me or even attempting to see the bright side to our new and hopefully temporary reality. Sometimes a little breathing space is a good thing. In order to breathe.

Our lives may have changed overnight. We may have much more important things to stress about at the moment than high-water or lo-rise, but we are still female and still ourselves. 

Madame has made many predictions in the past. I've usually tossed them off without much thought to their becoming true. This time it's a prediction and a fervent wish: We will shop again.  



  1. Thank you, yes I can't wait to shop again and support the stores and brands I appreciate. In the meantime, as I can, I contribute money to a couple of causes that are important to me and seem more important now.
    As to your writing, your voice and your background of experiences is something that speaks to me. I love fashion, with a particular sickness for handbags and as an LA girl, your NY experience is the Mecca.
    I hope you keep writing. And be safe.

    1. Thank you. That is such a nice comment. I do think we will all be ready for new when this is over, like a butterfly coming out of a chrysallis. If some designer is smart he/she will make that a theme...

      I love doing this, and it's so nice to know my voice is heard and enjoyed. Please keep well and stay in touch if you like.

  2. That's a great idea for a designer. I do hope a lot of things can start fresh, which would be a silver lining. We could be more thoughtful about our consumptiom...once we can consume again, and kinder to others for example. Young people give me great hope because they see how connected the whole planet is. My youngest (age 21) thinks it's perfectly normal to chat with someone in Finland about music. It's a start.

    1. Many of my friends are taking this time to thoroughly clean out their closets, including myself. The thrift shops should be fully stocked when this is over!
