"IM" is a great title for an autobiography. That happens to be Isaac Mizrahi's initials, which could also stand for Irrepressible Mensch*.
Be apprised. "IM" is not a romp through Isaac's adventures in the fashion business (though there are some). He doesn't elaborate his design philosophy (other than there must be color and joy). He never kisses and tells if relationships went wrong. In "IM" he is coming to terms with himself, a work in progress.
He grew up in a family that followed Sephardic Jewish traditions in Brooklyn. Isaac had enough difficulty fitting into his own family let alone the neighborhood. Always a showman, he persuaded his parents to allow him to attend High School of the Performing Arts in Manhattan with hopes of going into show business. He loved everything about it, including making costumes.
Acting was hard; fashion was easy. I understand. For me writing (which I loved) was hard; art was easy. I became a graphic designer. Easy or not, the
business of fashion is fraught with challenges. It's a wonder
anyone makes it. It took time and has been a roller coaster ride, but Isaac Mizrahi is one of our best loved and most prolific designers without a regular presence on runways or in stores.
From 2002 to 2008 he was the first designer of note to produce a line for Target. Although he faced some flack from the fashion community for it, the line was a huge success. I only reluctantly let go of a faux wood-grained skirt I loved that must have shrunk while hanging in the closet.
Wood that it still fit! |
In 2010 he launched another successful line with QVC, which continues today. While not particularly impressed by what I see, I think that A) it must pay the bills and B) it sells well because Isaac as a presenter is just so darn charming.
In between Isaac has had a talk show on tv, been a continuing judge on the "Project Runway" franchise, invented a comic book character, had a one-man show, and a cabaret act. I get the idea that any future attempts at fashion design will be replaced by his true love, show business.
To this day he has issues with self image. Isaac's childhood photos are easily found on the internet, but he includes no pictures. I'm sure his editors tried to convince him otherwise. That there are none surely indicates resolve and a will of steel.
Isaac loves stylish women, but doesn't tell us how to be one. There's not one bit of fashion advice in "IM". For that I refer you to his charming 2008 "How to Have Style".
There is, however, one great takeaway: We can never truly be happy unless we are our true selves. Like the hunt for the perfect pair of jeans, it's a lifetime journey.
* Yiddish for "person of integrity and honor"