Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Swimsuit Daze These Sunny Days

Fair and prone to skin cancers, I shouldn't be out in the sun in the first place. Of course I want to take advantage of summer water activities. I finally found a self-tanner that doesn't turn my legs citrus peel orange (not a plug but Tan Towel if you're curious). Armed with 50 SPF sun screen they are good to go (or show). The rest of me? That's a swimsuit challenge.

You might say I was an early adapter, but I've been swimming in a long-sleeve rash guard and boy-shorts for a few years now. I called myself "the world's oldest surfer", although there was no surf in the pool at the Richilieu Hotel.

Happily the rash guard has caught on and there are now many fashion-savvy styles to choose from. You may ask, "Well, aren't they hot?" They are not. And (bonus) the residual cool on your body after you come from a dip in ocean or pool is quite refreshing. They dry fast so cool doesn't turn clammy.

Land's End has the sanest versions

The rash guard eliminates all sorts of issues like flabby arms and muffin tops. If you need support you can wear a lightweight athletic bra. You can buy a smaller can of sunscreen. Just don't forget your legs. I haven't gone full scuba diver yet.

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