Monday, January 23, 2023

"80 for Brady"

I may or may not see "80 for Brady" in a theater when it's released February 3. There are many reasons for not going to the movies these days, and Covid almost isn't one of them. A trip to the local multiplex will cost my husband and me $30 for senior tickets and the obligatory parking fee. The multiplex itself is but a shell of its former self. The bar and restaurant have closed as well as the upstairs concession stand. Ticket booths have been replaced by kiosks, ignominiously placed in front of the windows where people used to sit. No buzz, almost no customers, but there is the lingering smell of old popcorn. So going to the movies itself is not such a draw.

Also, my husband is a giant football fan. That's "giant" as in Giants, which means any movie in praise of the New England Patriots is not going to fly. "80 for Brady" is just that. Based on a true story, the movie centers around four best friends, all Tom Brady fans, who decide to make the trip of a lifetime to see their hero play in the 2017 Super Bowl. That took place in Houston, so it will be interesting to see what they show of my city (if Toronto hasn't been used as a stand-in).

Why write about this here? Well, from what I can see these "80-somethings" have a fashion vibe. They are all dressed well. Rather than slip into pastels and elastic waistband stereotypes, wardrobe has given them some pretty nice choices (team jerseys aside).  

The cast is Rita Moreno (91), Jane Fonda (85), Lily Tomlin (82), and rounding out as the baby of the group, Sally Field (76). It doesn't hurt that Rita Moreno looks amazing, Jane Fonda looks, well, like Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin has maybe even a brighter twinkle in her eye, and Sally Field is still adorable. I've only been able to grab a few shots from the trailer and not sure the beachy scene is even in the movie, but don't they look nice and, gee, I dunno, the movie does kinda look like fun.

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